
(Assignment Scoring of Data Structures, See below for English version)


1.         每個上機習題分數為0~5分,5分為滿分。程式功能不正確 ,均為0分,並且會被退件。



2.         被退件或遲交者仍可以補交習題,補交的程式正確無誤者,至少可得3分。補交時間愈晚,則分數愈低。若在短時間就補交且答對,仍有機會得5分。1分或2是特殊情況(針對上機習題允許部份答對的情形)


3.         被發現上機習題有抄襲,該次的分數將由互相抄襲者平分(無條件捨去),助教並報告給老師知道。


4.         若某次上機習題記錄上無你的成績,代表你仍未繳交


5.         0分代表目前為被退件狀態,助教將額外寄信提示應該如何進行


6.         製作out檔可用複製貼上的方式。在命令提示字元的視窗按下滑鼠右鍵,會有選項讓你選擇要複製的範圍,複製完把它貼在out檔即可。


7.         繳交習題時請記得把dynamic link拿掉。若助教無法直接執行所附的執行檔,將被退件。


8.         有任何問題,歡迎寄信給助教或至工EC5013(平行處理實驗室)找助教討論。




Assignment Scoring of of Data Structures (English version)


1. For every assignment, you may get score 0 to 5, where 5 is the full score. If the functions of your program are not correct, you will get 0, and be rejected. If you submit the correct program before the due date, you will get 5.


2.         If your assignment is rejected or your submission is overdue,  you can resubmit the assignment. And if it is correct, you can get at least 3. The later you resubmit, the lower score you will get. You may still have the chance to get 5 if you resubmit the correct assignment in a very short time. You will get 1 or 2 in a special case (Partial correction may be allowed in the some assignments).


3.         If you copy the assignment from others (Internet or students), the score will be shared (round down), and the TA will report this situation to the teacher.


4.         If there is no record in the assignment, it means that you have not submitted the assignment yet.


5.        If you get 0, it means that your assignment is rejected. Then TA will e-mail the guideline to help you.


6.        You can use copy-and-paste to make the .out file. First, right click in the command window. Second, choose the option, and select the range what you want to copy. Finally, paste it into the .out file.


7.        When submitting the assignment, please remove the dynamic link. It the TA cannot execute the execution file directly, it will be rejected.


8.       If there is any problem, Please send e-mails to the TA or contact the TA in Room EC5013 (PPLab).