Smiley face

Data Generation


We define the similarity of two input sequences A and B, denoted as Simlarity(A,B) which shown in below.

formula of Similarity(A, B)  
The formula of Similarity(A, B).

Using the formula of Similarity, we present a semi-random method to generate specific similarity string data.


Suppose that we are given a sequence A with |A| = m, |Σ|, the desired similarity value λ0 and the upper bound u of the number of execution iterations, where λi denotes the similarity value obtained in iteration i. Our semi-random method for generating sequence B with |B| = n that the similarity approximates to λ0 is presented as follows.

  1. Step 1:

    Calculate the desired LCS length, denoted as LCS0(A,B), from λ0 with Equation 1. And let i = 1.

  2. Step 2:

    Set B = A and calculate ci with Equation 1. Randomly change ci elements in sequence B

  3. Step 3:

    If n > m, randomly insert (n - m) characters in random positions of B.

  4. Step 4:

    Calculate the new LCSi(A,B) and similarity λi.

  5. Step 5:

    If λi 2 [λ0 - 0:02, λ0 + 0:02] or i ≥ u, output B and stop. Otherwise, set i = i + 1, and go to Step 2.

equation for generating string data  
Equation 1.

PHP source code

function gen_similar_int(&$A,&$B,$similar,$size,$Alen,$Blen,$ins,$del,$rep,$gennum,PDO $db_pdo)
   $change = $Alen - (int)($Alen * $similar); //the number of element we need to insert a random element
   $answer = 0.0; //real similarity
   $go = true; 
   $count = 0;
   $A[0] = -1;
   $B[0] = -2;
   $LCS; //length of LCS=(Alen+Blen-EditD)/2(if ins=1,del=1,rep=2)
   $trytimes = 100; //times to adjust string B to fetch the target similarity
   $tryary = array(); //record the flag of generated similarity
   $gap = array(); //record the position of B which we don't insert A's element  
   $tA = array(); //record the string A after change some element  
   for ($i=0; $i ≤ 20; $i++){
   //generate a random string A  
   for ($i = 1; $i ≤ $Alen; ++$i){
      $A[$i] = rand(1,$size);
      $tA = $A; 
	  //random generate gap position of string B
      if ($Alen == Blen){
         for ($i = 1; $i ≤ $Blen; ++$i){
            $gap[$i] = 1;
         for ($i = 1; $i ≤ $Blen; ++$i) {
            $gap[$i] = 0;
         $diff = $Alen;
   	     while($diff > 0){
            $temp = rand(1, $Blen); 
		    if($gap[$temp] == 1){
               $gap[$temp]=0;  $diff--;
	  //change some element in string A to satisfy the similarity we set  
      for ($i = 1; $i ≤ $change; ++$i){
         $tA[rand(1,$Alen)] = rand(1, $size);
      //insert tA to string B according to the gap position  $countA = 1;  
	  for ($i = 1; $i ≤ $Blen; ++$i) {
            $B[$i] = $tA[$countA];
            $B[$i] =rand(1, $size);
      //computing the similarity of A and B    
	  $LCS = ($Alen + $Blen - EditD_NP($A, $B, $Alen, $Blen,$ins,$del,$rep))/2; //EditD_NP is an algorithm used to calculate edit distance  
	  $answer = $LCS / $Alen; //real similarity  
	  $TLCS = $similar*$Alen; //LCS length of target similarity 
	  //adjusting the number of element to change, if the real similarity is not similar to the similarity we set  
	  if ($answer > ($similar + 0.01)){
         $LCSdiff = round($LCS-$TLCS);   
		 $resttimes = $trytimes-$count;   
		 if ($change + $LCSdiff >= $Alen){
            if ($LCSdiff / $trytimes > 1){
               $change += ($LCSdiff / $trytimes);
            else {
         else {
            $change += round($LCS - $TLCS);
         if ($change > $Alen){
            $change = $Alen;
      else if ($answer < ($similar - 0.01)){
		 if ($change - $LCSdiff ≤ 0){
            if ($LCSdiff / $trytimes > 1){
               $change -= ($LCSdiff / $trytimes);
            else {
            $change -= 1;
         else {
            $change -= round($LCS - $TLCS);
         if ($change < 0){
            $change = 0;
      else if ($answer < ($similar + 0.01) && $answer > ($similar - 0.01)){
         $go = false;
	  //check the similarity of this string A has been record or not
	  $RS = round($answer * 100 / 5) * 5;
	  $tablename = $Alen."_".($Blen/$Alen)."_".$size."_".$RS;
	  if ($tryary[$RS/5] == 0){
         $tryary[$RS/5] = 1; 
		 insert_to_DB($A, $B, $answer, $similar, $count, $gennum, $tablename, $db_pdo); //insert to DataBase
	  if ($count > $trytimes)
	     $go = false;
   while ($go);    
   return $answer;