Paper Presentation - Network
Eigenvalues of a Real Matrix
Node-to-node Cluster Fault Tolerant
Routing in Star Graphs
An Algorithm for the Banded Symmetric
Generalized Matrix Eigenvalue Problem
Optimal Architectures and Algorithms for
Mesh-Connected Parallel Computers with Separable Row/Column Buses
Optimal Fully Adaptive Minimal Wormhole
Routing for Meshes
Message-Optimal Protocols for
Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts/Multicasts in Distributed Systems with
Crash Failures
Reliable Unicasting in Fualty Hypercubes
Using Safety Levels
A Link-Disjoint Subcube for Processor
Allocation in Hypercube Computers
Algorithm-Based Fault Location and
Recovery for Matrix Computations on Multiprocessor Systems
A Fault-Tolerant Tree Communication
Scheme for Hypercube Systems
New Encoding/Decoding Methods for
Designing Fault-Tolerant Matrix Operations
The Cross Product of Interconnection
A Cost and Speed Model for k-ary n-Cube
Wormhole Routers
Fault-Tolerant Wormhole Routing in Mesh
with Overlapped Solid Fault Regions
A Theory of Fault-Tolerant Routing in
Wormhole Networks
Task Allocation in the Star Graph
Two Ranking Schemes for Efficient
Computation on the Star Interconnection Network
The Grid Protocol: A High Performance
Scheme for Maintaining Replicated Data
Toward Optimal Broadcasting in a Star
Graph Using Multiple Spanning Trees
A Comparative Study of Topological
Proerties of Hypercubes and Star Graphs
Communication Aspects of the Star Graph
Interconnection Network
Incomplete Star: An Incrementally
Scalable Network Based on the Star Graph
Horizontal Rotate Crossed Cube: HCQ
Interconnection Network
Levels- An Efficient Mechanism for Achieving Reliable
Broadcasting in Hypercube
Broadcasting Algorithms for the
Star-Connected Cycles Interconnection Network
An Optimal Broadcasting Algorithm
without Message Redundancy in Star Graphs
Fault-Tolerant Communication Scheme for Hypercube Computers
Topological Properties of Hierarchical
Cubic Networks
Availability of k-Coterie
Performance Evaluation of a
Mobile-Floating Agent Scheme for Wireless Mobile Computing and
Connective Fault Tolerance in Multiple-Bus Systems
Optimal Partitioning of Heterogeneous Traffic Sources in
Mobile Communications Networks
Wireless LANs and Mobile Networking: Standards and
Future Directions
Architecture of a Multi-Cell Centralized Packet Access
Connective Fault Tolerance in
Multiple-Bus Systems
Optimal Algorithm for Mutual Exclusion in Computer Networks
Routing in Ad Hoc Networks of Mobile Hosts
Scalable and Robust Internetwork Routing
for Mobile Hosts
Topological Properties of Star Graphs
A Theory of Fault-Tolerant Routing in Wormhole Networks
Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Deadlock-Free
Routing in Meshes and Hypercubes
Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Wormhole Routing
Algorithms for Hypercubes and Meshes
Another distributed algorithm for
multiple entries to a critical section
De Bruijn and Kautz Bus Network
Fault-Tolerant Wormhole Routing in Mesh
with Overlapped Solid Fault Regions
An adaptive global reduction algorithm for
wormhole-routed 2D meshes
Availability of k-Coterie
A Theory of Coteries: Mutual Exclusion
in Distributed Systems
A√N Algorithm for Mutual Exclusion in Decentralized
Eccentricities of de Bruijn Networks
A Protocol for Causally Ordered Message
Deliverly in Mobile Systems
A Geometric Approach for Constructing
Coteries and k-Coteries
Coterie Join Algorithm
Generating and Approximating
Nondominated Coteries
Hierarchical Quorum Consensus: A New
Algorithm for Managing Replicated Data
Nondominated k-coteries for multiple mutual exclusion
Analysis of Quorum-Based Protocols for Distributed
On the Rabin Number Problem
A Distributed Algorithm for Multiple
Entries to a Critical Section
The incremental maintenance of a
Depth-First-Search tree in directed acyclic graphs
Mobility Support in IPv6
Issues in Wireless Mobile Computing
Fast and Fair Mutual Exclusion Alogorithms Using
Fetch&Store Primitive
Hypercude Quorum Consensus for Mutual
Exclusion and Replicated Data Management
Extensible Folded Hypercube Graphs
Optimal Coteries for Rings and Realted
The Reliability of Voting Mechanisms
A Parallel Algorithm for Finding a Perfect Matching in a
Planar Graph
Transportable Agents Support Worldwide
Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Routing in Cube-Based Mul
ticomputers Using Safety Vectors
A Gradually Scalable Optical Interconnection Netw
ork for Massively Parallel Computing
Efficient Broadcasting in Wormhole-Routed Multico
mputers : A Network-Partitioning Approach
Cyclic-Cubes: A New Family of Interconnection Net
works of Even Fixed-Degrees
Efficient Fault-Tolerant Multicast Scheme for Hyp
ercube Multicomputers
Multiple Multicast with Minimized Node Contention
on Wormhole k-ary n-cube Networks
Resource Deadlocks and Performance of Wormhole Multicast Routing Algorithms