file |
introducer |
date |
paper |
Chuan-Kang Ting, Sheng-Tun Li and Chungnan Lee,
"TGA: A New Integrated Approach to Evolutionary Algorithms", IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pp. 917-924,
2001 |
王嘉章 |
Jan. 07 |
Haplotyping as Perfect Phylogeny (聯合meeting) |
魏良泰 |
Jan. 14 |
0Jonathan Badger, Paul Kearney, Ming Li, John Tsang, and Tao Jiang,
"Selecting the branches for an evolutionary tree.A polynomial time approximation scheme",
Journal of Algorithms 51 (2004) 1–14 |
Jan. 21 |
Rizzi, Vineet Bafna, Sorin Istrail, and Giuseppe Lancia, "Practical Algorithms and Fixed Parameter Tractability for the Single Individual SNP Haplotyping",
2nd Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2452:29-43, 2002 |
魏良泰 |
Feb. 02 |
A Novel GPS-Based Quorum Hybrid Routing Algorithm
(GPS-QHRA) for Cellular-Based Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Vol. 21, pp. 1-21, 2005 |
林旭紳 |
Feb. 02 |
Sung-Ryul Kim, Inbok Lee, Kunsoo,Park,"A fast algorithm for the generalized
k-keyword proximity problem given keyword offsets",Information Processing
Letters,vol. 91, pp.115–120, 2004 |
邢金良 |
Feb. 25 |
Alantha Newman,"A New Algorithm for Protein Folding in the HP
Model",Proceedings of the thirteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete
algorithms, pp. 876-884, 2002" |
王嘉章 |
Feb. 25 |
Brenda S. Baker, Raffaele Giancarlo,"Sparse Dynamic Programming for Longest
Common Subsequence from Fragments,Journal of Algorithms", Vol. 42, 2002, pp.
231-254 |
安興彥 |
Feb. 25 |
A.M. Turing
Award -- 'Nobel Prize' of Computing(聯合meeting) |
安興彥 |
Mar. 07 |
Tariq Riaz, Yi Wang, Kuo-Bin Li,"Multiple Sequence Alignment Using Tabu
Search",In Proc. Second Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC2004),
Dunedin, New Zealand. CRPIT, 29. Chen, Y.-P. P., Ed. ACS. 223-232 |
羅裕傑 |
Mar. 15 |
Biing-Feng Wang, Jyh-Jye Lin, and Shan-Chyun Ku,"Efficient algorithms for
the scaled indexing problem",Journal of Algorithms 52 (2004) 82–100 |
彭永興 |
Mar. 15 |
Martin Kochol,"3-coloring and 3-clique-ordering of locally connected
graphs",Journal of Algorithms 54 (2005) 122–125 |
董建甫 |
Mar. 22 |
Claus Rick,"Simple and Fast Linear Space Computation of Longest Common
Subsequences",Information Processing Letters (IPL), Vol. 75, pp. 275-281,
2000 |
陳建儐 |
Mar.29 |
Alena Shmygelska , Rosalia Aguirre-Hernandez and Holger H.
HoosPradip,"An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for The 2D HP
Folding Problem",Ant Algorithms, Third International Workshop, ANTS 2002, pp
40-53, 2002 |
王嘉章 |
Mar.29 |
Combinatorial Problems Arising in SNP and Haplotype Analysis
(聯合meeting) |
魏良泰 |
Apr.1 |
Protein Structure Prediction(聯合meeting) |
王嘉章 |
Apr.1 |
Enrico Nardelli, Guido Proietti, Peter Widmayer,"Finding
the Most Vital Node of a Shortest Path",Theoretical Computer Science, Vol.
296, pp. 167-177, 2003 |
安興彥 |
Apr.12 |
John Kececioglu and Dean
Starrett,"Aligning Alignments Exactly",Proceedings of the eighth annual
international conference on Computational molecular biology pp. 85 - 96 ,
2004 |
林旭紳 |
Apr.12 |
H. Albert, Alexander Golynski, Angele M. Hamel,Alejandro Lopez-Ortiz, S.
Srinivasa Rao, Mohammad Ali Safari,"Longest increasing subsequences in
sliding windows",Theoretical Computer Science 321 (2004) 405–414 |
彭永興 |
Apr.19 |
Jie Chen,"A DNA-based, Biomolecular Cryptography Design",Circuits and
Systems, 2003. ISCAS '03. Proceedings of the 2003 International Symposium on
Volume 3, 25-28 May 2003 Page(s):III-822 - III-825 vol.3 |
董建甫 |
Apr.19 |
Frank Rubin,"A Search Procedure for Hamilton Paths and Circuits",JACM, Vol.
21, No. 4, pp. 576-580, Oct. 1974 |
邢金良 |
Apr.26 |
Winners of Turing Award
2004(聯合meeting) |
彭永興 |
May 06 |
Hideo Bannai, Heikki Hyyro, Ayumi Shinohara, Masayuki Takeda, Kenta Nakai,
and Satoru Miyano,"An O(N2) Algorithm for Discovering Optimal Boolean
Pattern Pairs",IEEE/ACM Trans. on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics,
Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 159-170, 2004 |
安興彥 |
May 10 |
Barvinok, David S. Johnson, Gerhard J. Woeginger and Russell Woodroffe,"The
Maximum Traveling Salesman Problem under Polyhedral Norms",Integer
Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, 1412 (1998) 195-201 |
彭永興 |
May 24 |
Policriti, Nicola Vitacolonna, Michele Morgante ,Andrea Zuccolo ,"Structured
Motifs Search",Annual Conference on Research in Computational Molecular
Biology |
董建甫 |
May 24 |
CA Orengo, AD Michie and JM
Thornton,"CATH — a hierarchic classification of protein domain
structures",Structure, vol.5, pp.1093–1108, 1997 |
邢金良 |
Jun.10 |
Rainer Schuler,"An Algorithm for the Satisfiability Problem of Formulas in
Conjunctive Normal Form",Journal of Algorithms, Vol. 54, pp. 40-44, 2005 |
安興彥 |
Ju1.08 |
Dan Gusfield and Jens
Stoye,"Linear Time Algorithms for Finding and Representing all Tandem
Repeats in a String",Journal of Computer and System Science 69 (2004)
525-546 |
彭永興 |
Ju1.15 |
Andrzej Szymoszek and Martin Zacharias, AG Theoretische Biophysik,"Structure
prediction of protein segments with low target/template sequence identity
based on a reduced protein model",Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie,
Beutenbergstrasse 11, D-07745 Jena, Germany |
羅裕傑 |
Ju1.29 |
Jeng-Sheng Yeh, Ding-Yun Chen1, Bing-Yu Chen and Ming Ouhyoung,"A web-based
three-dimensional protein retrieval system by matching visual
similarity",BIOINFORMATICS, Vol. 21 no. 13, pages 3056–3057, 2005 |
邢金良 |
Ju1.29 |
Weijia Jia, Chuanlin
Zhang, and Jianer Chen,"An efficient parameterized algorithm for m-set
packing",Journal of Algorithms 50 (2004) 106-117 |
彭永興 |
Aug.05 |
Introduction to Algorithms |
曾球庭 |
Aug.12 |
E.Zintzaras, N.P.Brown and A.Kowald,"Growing a Classification Tree Using the
Apparent Misclassification Rate",CABIOS, Vol.l0. no.3, pp. 263 – 271, 1994 |
邢金良 |
Aug.12 |
Loredana Lo Conte,
Bart Ailey and Cyrus Chothia,"SCOP: A Structural Classification of Proteins
Database",Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 257– 259, 2000
(聯合meeting) |
邢金良 |
Aug.19 |
Gerard Jennhwa Chang, Antonius J. J. Kloks, Jiping Liu, Ross M. McConnell,
and Sheng-Lung Peng,"The PIGs Full Monty- A floor show of minimal
separators",Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 2005 |
董建甫 |
Aug.26 |
Yuval Inbar , Hadar Benyamini, Ruth Nussinov and Haim J. Wolfson ,"Protein
structure prediction via combinatorial assembly of sub-structural
units",Bioinformatics Vol. 19 Suppl. 1 2003 Pages i158-i168
(聯合meeting) |
羅裕傑 |
Sep. 08 |
LIS in All
Substrings |
曾球庭 |
Sep. 16 |
Duhovny, Ruth Nussinov, and Haim J. Wolfson,"Efficient Unbound Docking of
Rigid Molecules",Bldg 469, Rm 151, Frederick, MD 21702, USA |
羅裕傑 |
Sep. 16 |
John M.
Boyer,"Simple constant amortized time generation of fixed length numeric
partitions",Journal of Algorithms 54 (2005) 31-39 |
彭永興 |
Sep. 23 |
Galil, R.
Giancarlo,"Improved string matching with k mismatches(The Kangaroo
Method)",SIGACT News, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1986 , pp. 52–54
安興彥 |
Sep. 23 |
Carleton L.
Kingsford, Bernard Chazelle and Mona Singh,"Solving and Analyzing Side-Chain
Positioning Problems Using Linear and Integer Programming",Bioinformatics
Vol. 21, no. 7, pages 1028–1036, 2005 |
邢金良 |
Oct.06 |
Application of the
A* Algorithm to Solve the Longest Common Subsequence from Fragments Problem |
曾球庭 |
Oct.06 |
Andrew I. Jewett, Conrad C. Huang and Thomas E. Ferrin,"MINRMS: an efficient
algorithm for determining protein structure similarity using
root-mean-squared-distance",BIOINFORMATICS Vol. 19 no. 5 2003, pages 625–634 |
羅裕傑 |
Oct.13 |
Biing-Feng Wang,"Linear
time algorithms for the ring loading problem with demand splitting",Journal
of Algorithms 54 (2005) 45-57 |
彭永興 |
Oct.20 |
Heaviest Increasing
Subsequence |
曾球庭 |
Oct.20 |
Gad M. Landau, Baruch Schieber, Michal Ziv-Ukelson,"Sparse LCS Common
Substring Alignment",Information Processing Letters, Vol. 88, 2003, pp.
259–270 |
安興彥 |
Oct.27 |
DANIEL S. HIRSCHBERG,"Algorithms for the Longest Common Subsequence
Problem",Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery 1977 |
董建甫 |
Nov.03 |
Dukka Bahadur K.C,
Tatsuya Akutsu and Tomokazu Seki,"Protein Side Chain Packing Problem: A
Maximum Edge-Weight Clique Algorithmic Approach",Proceedings of the second
conference on Asia-Pacific bioinformatics - Volume 29, pages 191–200, 2004 |
邢金良 |
Nov.03 |
COMPARISON",SIAM J. COMPUT.Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 557-582, April 1998 |
曾球庭 |
Nov.17 |
Jianhua Zhu and Zhiping
Weng,"FAST: A Novel Protein Structure Alignment Algorithm",PROTEINS:
Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 58:618–627 (2005) |
羅裕傑 |
Nov.17 |
Zhihong Ding, Vladimir Filkov, Dan Gusfield,"A Linear-Time Algorithm for the
Perfect Phylogeny Haplotyping (PPH) Problem",RECOMB 2005, pp. 585–600 |
安興彥 |
Nov.24 |
Convex Hull of a 2D
Simple Polyline |
彭永興 |
Dec.01 |
Zhexin Xiang and Barry
Honig,"Extending the Accuracy Limits of Prediction for Side-chain
Conformations",J. Mol. Biol. Vol. 311, pp.421–430, 2001 |
邢金良 |
Dec.01 |
Gad M. Landau Eugene Myers and Michal Ziv-Ukelson," Two Algorithms for LCS
Consecutive Suffix Alignment",CPM 2004 |
董建甫 |
Dec.22 |
Elodie Nedelec, Elisabeth
Gassiat, Guillemette Duchateau-Nguyen, Michel Termier, Thomas Moncion, Bruno
Bossard, Alain Denise, "A Pairwise Alignment Algorithm Which Favors Clusters
of Blocks",JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Volume 12, Number 1, 2005, pp.
33-47 |
陳宣文 |
Dec.29 |
蘇柏翰,周偉堯,白敦文,張大慈,張顥騰,周維宜,"Constrained Multiple Structure Feature Alignment
(CMSFA)",NCS2005 |
羅裕傑 |
Dec.29 |