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Yuxuan Guo, Wenjian Zhang, Haochen Cui and Ning Li, "Sequence Matching and Genealogy Tree Drawing Based on Edit Distance Algorithm", 2023 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Electronics, Information and Computation Technologies (ICFEICT), Yangzhou, China |
張紋瑜 |
Jan. 02 |
J. M. Robson, "Finding a maximum independent set in time O(2n/4)", January 2001 |
朱宥諺 |
Jan. 02 |
ROBSON, John Michael, "Algorithms for Maximum independent Sets ", Algorithms for maximum independent sets. Journal of Algorithms, 1986, 7.3: 425-440. |
楊景翔 |
Jan. 02 |
Franco Scarselli, Marco Gori, Ah Chung Tsoi, Markus Hagenbuchner, and Gabriele Monfardini, "The Graph Neural Network Model" IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks ( Volume: 20, Issue: 1, January 2009) |
陳彥宇 |
Jan. 15 |
Isaac Goldstein, Moshe Lewenstein, " Quick greedy computation for minimum common string partition" Theoretical Computer Science 542 (2014) 98–107 |
沈之承 |
Jan. 15 |
Afsana Khan, Afrida Anzum Aesha, Juthi Sarker, "A New Algorithmic Approach to Finding Minimum Spanning Tree" 2018 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information & Communication Technology (iCEEiCT), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 13-15 Sept. 2018 |
俞鑫昌 |
Jan. 15 |
Cheol Ryu, Thierry Lecroq, Kunsoo Park, "Fast string matching for DNA sequences" Theoretical Computer Science 812 (2020), pp.137-148 |
廖玟雯 |
Jan. 23 |
Dani Gunawan, Zurwatus Saniyah, Ainul Hizriadi, "Normalization of Abbreviation and Acronym on Microtext in Bahasa Indonesia by Using Dictionary-Based and Longest Common Subsequence(LCS)" Procedia Computer Science 161 (2019) 553–559 |
李適宏 |
Jan. 23 |
KE, Guolin, et al. "LightGBM: A Highly Efficient Gradient Boosting Decision Tree" Advances in neural information processing systems, 2017, 30. |
楊景翔 |
Jan. 23 |
Ivan Markić, Maja Stula and Marija Zorić, "String pattern searching algorithm based on characters indices" 2019 4th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech), Bol/Split, Croatia, June 18-21, 2019 |
張紋瑜 |
Jan. 30 |
Cheol Ryu, Thierry Lecroq, Kunsoo Park, "Fast string matching for DNA sequences" Theoretical Computer Science 812 (2020), pp.137-148 |
廖玟雯 |
Jan. 30 |
Zhihai Liu, Long Gao, Feiyi Liu, Dongyang Liu, Wenyu Han, "Fusion of weighted Voronoi diagram and A* algorithm for mobile robot path planning" 2022 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics Technology (ICEEMT), Hangzhou, China, 01-03 July 2022 |
俞鑫昌 |
Jan. 30 |
Youne`s Rabii, Michael Cook, "Revealing Game Dynamics via Word Embeddings of Gameplay Data" In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, 2021 |
陳韻安 |
Feb. 06 |
Venkatram, Pranav. "A New Lossless Data Compression Algorithm Exploiting Positional Redundancy" arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.13801 (2021). |
陳彥宇 |
Feb. 06 |
Amr Elmasry "The longest almost-increasing subsequence" Information Processing Letters Volume 110, Issue 16, 31 July 2010, Pages 655-658 |
李適宏 |
Feb. 06 |
Toan Thang Ta, Yi-Kung Shieh, Chin Lung Lu, "Computing a Longest Common Almost-Increasing Subsequence of Two Sequences" Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 854, 16 January 2021, Pages 44-51 |
陳冠傑 |
Feb. 20 |
Berndt, D. J., & Clifford, J. "Using Dynamic Time Warping to Find Patterns in Time Series" In Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining (pp. 359-370). |
楊景翔 |
Feb. 20 |
M. Kubica, T. Kulczyński, J. Radoszewski, W. Rytter, T. Waleń, "A Linear Time Algorithm for Consecutive Permutation Pattern Matching" Information Processing Letters 113 (2013) 430–433 |
張紋瑜 |
Feb. 27 |
Jia Li, Yongjie Zhu, Yi Zuo, Tieshan Li, "A Trajectory Simplification Method Based on the Clustering of Vessel Speed and Course Segments" 2020 7th International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems (ICCSS). IEEE. November 2020. Guangzhou, China. |
林鈺宸 |
Feb. 27 |
Ian Parberry, "An efficient algorithm for the Knight's tour problem" Discrete Applied Mathematics, 73.3 (1997), 251-260. |
俞鑫昌 |
Feb. 27 |
Pugh, William. "Skip Lists: A Probabilistic Alternative to Balanced Trees" Communications of the ACM 33.6 (1990): 668-676. |
陳彥宇 |
Mar. 05 |
Bas van Opheusden, Ionatan Kuperwajs, Gianni Galbiati, Zahy Bnaya, Yunqi Li, and Wei Ji Ma "Expertise Increases Planning Depth in Human Gameplay" Nature, 2023. |
朱宥諺 |
Mar. 05 |
Arabi E.keshk, Mohammed Ossman, Lamiaa Fathi Hussein "Fast Longest Common Subsequences for Bioinformatics Dynamic Programming" International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 57– No.22, November 2012 |
李適宏 |
Mar. 05 |
Yen-Chi Chen, Hao-En Kuan, Yen-Shun Lu, Tzu-Chun Chen, I-Chen Wu. "Entropy-Based Two-Phase Optimization Algorithm for Solving Wordle-like Games" 2022 International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI) December 2022, Tainan, Taiwan |
歐宛妮 |
Mar. 12 |
Amit Kumar Dutta, Masud Hasan, M. Sohel Rahman " Prefix transpositions on binary
and ternary strings" Information Processing Letters, 113 (2013) p.265–270 |
沈之承 |
Mar. 12 |
Eamonn J. Keogh and Michael J. Pazzani. "Derivative Dynamic Time Warping" Proceedings of the 2001 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining |
楊景翔 |
Mar. 12 |
Tamanna Chhabra and Jorma Tarhio "Order-Preserving Matching with Filtration" 13th International Symposium, SEA 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 29 - July 1, 2014 |
張紋瑜 |
Mar. 27 |
Supaporn Chairungsee; Tida Butrak; Surangkanang Chareonrak; Thana Charuphanthuset "Longest Previous Non-Overlapping Factors
Computation" 2015 26th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Valencia, Spain |
廖玟雯 |
Mar. 27 |
Soo Ann Nie, Ghazali Sulong, Rozniza Ali, Andrew Abel "The use of least significant bit (LSB) and knight tour algorithm
for image steganography of cover image" International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering(IJECE), 9.6, 5218-5226. |
俞鑫昌 |
Mar. 27 |
Toan Thang Ta, Yi-Kung Shieh, Chin Lung Lu "Computing a longest common almost-increasing subsequence of two sequences" Theoretical Computer Science 854 (2021) 44–51 |
李適宏 |
Apr. 02 |
Nolan Bard, Jakob N. Foerster, Sarath Chandar, Neil Burch, Marc Lanctot, H. Francis Song, Emilio Parisotto, Vincent Dumoulin, Subhodeep Moitra, Edward Hughes, Iain Dunning, Shibl Mourad, Hugo Larochelle, Marc G. Bellemare, and Michael Bowling "The Hanabi challenge: A new frontier for AI research" Artificial Intelligence, 280, 103216, 2020 |
陳韻安 |
Apr. 02 |
George Marsaglia "Random Numbers Fall Mainly in the Planes" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 61(1), 25-28. 1968. |
陳彥宇 |
Apr. 02 |
Jingjin Yu"Rearrangement on lattices with pick-n-swaps: Optimality structures and efficient algorithms" The International Journal of Robotics Research, Volume 42, Issue 10, 2023 |
陳冠傑 |
Apr. 09 |
Inanç Arın, Mert Kemal Erpam, Yücel Saygın. "I-TWEC: Interactive clustering tool for Twitter" Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 96, pp. 1–13. |
歐宛妮 |
Apr. 09 |
Reparaz, Oscar, Josep Balasch, and Ingrid Verbauwhede. "Dude, is my code constant time?" Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2017. IEEE, 2017. |
楊景翔 |
Apr. 09 |
Tania Islam and Kamrul Hasan Talukder,"An improved algorithm for string matching using index based shifting approach"017 20th International Conference of Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), December 22-24, University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka, Bangladesh |
張紋瑜 |
Apr. 30 |
D. M. Anderson, T. P. Schulze, and B. N. Wahl "Not Playing With a Full Deck?"Recreational Mathematics Magazine,(2024) 11(18), 51-64. |
俞鑫昌 |
Apr. 30 |
Hakem Adil Kadhim,"Maximum-shift_string_matching_algorithms",IEEE Xplore |
李適宏 |
May. 07 |
Orson R. L. Peters,"Pattern-defeating Quicksort", arXiv:2106.05123 |
陳彥宇 |
May. 07 |
Jagdish Chand Bansal · Harish Sharma ·Shimpi Singh Jadon · Maurice Clerc,"3-Spider_Monkey_Optimization",Memetic Comp. (2014) |
楊景翔 |
May. 13 |
C M Khaled Saifullah,"Solving shortest common supersequence problem using chemical reaction optimization",2016 5th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV) |
張紋瑜 |
May. 20 |
Tomás Guardia,"Fiboquadratic-numbers-and-Rithmomachia",Recreational Mathematics Magazine |
俞鑫昌 |
May. 20 |
Indradeep Hayaran,"Couple_sort",Fourth International Conference on Parallel |
李適宏 |
May. 29 |
Paul Hyunjin Kim,"Design-Centric Maze Generation" |
陳彥宇 |
May. 29 |
Harry Pratt,"Fourier Convolutional Neural Networks" |
朱宥諺 |
May. 29 |
Avinash Sharma,"Ageist Spider Monkey Optimization algorithm",Swarm and Evolutionary Computation |
楊景翔 |
Jun. 04 |
Esmaeil Atashpaz-Gargari, Caro Lucas,"Imperialist_competitive_algorithm_an_alg" |
歐宛妮 |
Jun. 04 |
Sanjay Ghemawat, Howard Gobioff, and Shun-Tak Leung,"The Google File System" |
陳彥宇 |
Jun. 04 |
Yoshifumi Sakai,"Maximal common subsequence algorithms",Graduate School of Agricultural Science |
張紋瑜 |
Jun. 11 |
WonTae Hwang,"The Frobenius problems for Sexy Prime",International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science |
俞鑫昌 |
Jun. 11 |
Daniel Bogdoll,"Dynamic Longest Common Subsequences",International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering |
李適宏 |
Jun. 11 |